On October 24, 2019, Fernando M. Bustos, 2019 President, conducted a seminar entitled The Seventh Amendment Right to a Jury Trial and Legal News You Can Use. Speakers included a judicial panel consisting of Hon. Sam R. Cummings, Senior U.S. District Court Judge, Northern District, Chief Justice Brian P. Quinn, Seventh Court of Appeals, and Hon. Les Hatch, Judge of the 237th District Court and an ABOTA member, regarding the current state of civil justice and jury trials. Other speakers were ABOTA member Fernando M. Bustos discussing academic First Amendment issues; Hon. Ann-Marie Carruth, Judge of County Court at Law No. 3, discussing landlord/tenant law, ABOTA members Ted Liggett and David Kerby discussing civility matters, attorney David Guinn discussing civil forfeiture and other exciting criminal topics, and ABOTA member Bud Grossman discussing the right to a jury trial. The seminar was well attended by local attorneys and students at Texas Tech University School of Law.